Home Sweet home

03042015-DSC_7118 cropped-1best.jpg cropped-19102013-running-to-catch-up.jpg step by step hurry up I'm dreaming from me to you 19102013-running to catch up Comforting rolling, rolling Karlsson on the roof - trooper version Mirroring This is the way to find the droids Walking toward todays adventures_6336164143_l The Stormtroopers Merry go Round_6005650281_l The sky is the limit_6022371791_l The new Imperial web solution_6101914287_l The new Imperial Star Destroyer_6310404534_l The inofficial Imperial Troop-Camp_6106820018_l The consolation of a trooper_6405474963_l Out searching_6088362493_l Out for a walk_6215211382_l Out on a morning walk_6574218885_l On top of my head Look there is the new year_6607228595_l Lift me up to the Death Star_6350422667_l Knitting together_6325899191_l Is it rebel-missile's or is it ordinary summer weather_5848195448_l Is Anyone Home_6294290824_l Imperial whitewash_6329765416_l I've been longing for you all day_6302660289_l  I want to stay (Explored)_6606214381_l I want to be Rudolf or the Imperial Reindeer_6480441695_l Homesickness_5884796087_l a tender moment_6332703148_l A swinging Stormtrooper (bw)_5990517231_l Wait for me (close up) Wait for me... You know, you remind me of someone I used to know.